
We are super proud to announce that our newest activities, quizzes and characters are ready to play! Specifically designed for students aged 5-7, the activities and quizzes implement a range of important concepts:

  • Positive messaging focussed on developing a growth mindset
  • Multiple representations of mathematical concepts ensuring mastery of the topics
  • Digital manipulatives of real-life learning tools such as numicons, scales and counters
  • A clean, simple interface with attractive visuals

Our new content is now available to play on the Mangahigh platform, and we will be adding more in the coming weeks.

Please find attached the login for your child to take part. (Go to and log in as a student). Allow your child to choose any games that they are able to complete. 
Note: If you do not have access to a computer we are allowing children to go to the computer suite for part of the lunchtime to go on the Mangahigh site.