Walk to School Week

Walk to School Week

Monday 16th May - Friday 20th May 2016

We are delighted to be supporting Walk to School Week this month, an initiative organised by Living Streets. The event will take place from Monday 16th May through to Friday 20th May. On Tuesday 17th May children will have the opportunity to arrive to school in ‘Happy Shoes’ in association with ‘Happy Shoesday’. Children are welcome to wear whatever shoes they feel most comfortable such as slippers, trainers, boots and so forth. In return we request a donation of £1.00. All proceeds will go towards the Living Streets campaign.

On Friday 20th May there will be a walk from the Village Hall, adults walking with the children are welcome to attend.

Even if your child is not participating in the walk, they are invited to dress up as an animal as part of our 'Walk in the Wild' initiative. It is similar to a mufti day but donations are not required. The children can wear their outfits throughout the duration of the day.